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IELTS Speaking topics – популярные темы

ielts speaking topics

Сегодня расскажу, какие самые популярные темы - IELTS Speaking topics - могут встретиться в устной части экзамена. А еще - как готовиться к экзамену с помощью IELTS Speaking topics и какая польза от тренировки устных тем.

Сразу скажу, что эти темы IELTS не для заучивания. Заранее заготовленные ответы всегда очевидны - и за это безжалостно снижают баллы в устной части экзамена. Польза IELTS Speaking topics в другом – в том, чтобы научиться говорить спонтанно, быстро генерировать идеи и быть готовым в любому повороту в IELTS Speaking.

Все IELTS Speaking topics можно будет скачать в pdf (всего 72 темы) и тренироваться в свое удовольствие)))


IELTS Speaking topics – темы для устной части IELTS – которые вы здесь увидите, в общем-то охватывают основные топики, встречающиеся в IELTS Speaking. Но должна предупредить. Нет никакой гарантии, что вам на экзамене попадется одна из них.

Во-первых, создатели экзамена не дремлют, и постоянно придумывают новые устные темы для IETS Speaking.

Во-вторых, в пределах одной темы всегда можно найти новую формулировку задания. Ну, например, в теме Food можно предложить такое задание:

Describe a traditional meal in your country.
Опишите традиционное блюдо в вашей стране.

Но ту же самую тему – блюдо/meal - можно немного переиначить и получится уже новое задание.

Describe a meal/Опишите блюдо:

  • which is made in your country on special occasions (которое готовят в вашей стране по особым случаям)
  • which you tried but did not like (которое вы попробовали и которое вам не понравилось)
  • which you would like to try (которое вы хотели бы попробовать)
  • which you would like to learn to cook (которое вы бы хотели научиться готовить)
  • which is prepared in your family (которое готовят в вашей семье)
  • which you tried in a different country (которое вы попробовали в другой стране)

Из одной темы meal получилось семь IELTS Speaking topics. Неплохо!

Поэтому нет большого смысла в заучивании топиков, как это было в школе.  Но смысл в использовании этих тем для IELTS Speaking, тем не менее, есть.

О пользе тренировки IELTS Speaking topics

Если эти популярные темы IELTS Speaking не для заучивания, для чего же они тогда? Исключительно для тренировки, практики спонтанности.

Все выучить не получится – да и заученные топики сразу настораживают экзаменаторов. Настораживают настолько, что за это снижают балл.

А вот научиться спонтанно говорить на любую тему – можно. Умение быстро думать, генерировать идеи и быть готовым к любому повороту судьбы экзамена – бесценно.

Еще один плюс использования IELTS Speaking topics в том, чтобы понять логику составителей экзаменационных вопросов и привыкнуть к формулировкам типа:

In what ways are people in one family similar to each other?

How important is it for children to spend time with their peers?

What can be done to encourage people to read more?

Some people believe that with the development of technologies, traditional media will disappear. Would you agree?

Поэтому вооружайтесь IELTS Speaking topics и оттачивайте мастерство болтологии!)) Оно вам ох как пригодится на устной части IELTS.

Скачать IELTS Speaking topics в pdf (72 темы + discussion questions):


Подробнее о структуре устной части экзамена – IELTS Speaking part с примером двухминутного монолога.


Темы для IELTS speaking

Для наглядности покажу страницу из обычного разговорного учебника и рядом – популярные темы IELTS Speaking, которые могут встретиться на эту тему в устной части экзамена. Это для иллюстрации того, что IELTS Speaking topics в идеале не нужно учить дополнительно, если вы занимались английским до этого. Все это обсуждается в учебниках.

Тема Food, Restaurants, Eating Habits, Healthy Eating

тема food, healthy eating

В учебнике обсуждается тема Food и все, что с ней может быть связано: рестораны (eating out)

здоровая еда (healthy eating)

современные пищевые привычки (eating habits).

А в IELTS speaking любят искать преимущества и недостатки ресторанов по сравнению с домашней едой или обсуждать вопросы изменения нездоровых привычек, побуждения детей и подростков есть правильную еду и все в таком духе.

Так что на экзамене могут встретиться такие IELTS Speaking topics:


Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.

You should say:
where the restaurant was
why you chose this restaurant
what type of food you ate in this restaurant

and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant.

Discussion topics


Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?
Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants?
Why do you think that is?
Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a
cheap restaurant - would you agree?

Producing food

Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will
there be less choice?
What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?
How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without
importing any from other countries?

Describe a traditional meal in your country.

You should say:
what the meal is
how it is prepared
when it is usually eaten
what, if any, is the significance of the meal

and explain whether you enjoy the traditional food of your country.

Discussion topics

Healthy eating

What foods do you consider are good for you? Why?
What kind of things do people eat that are bad for them? Why do you think people eat such things, if they are not good for them?

Eating habits

How do you think people’s eating habits have changed over the years?
How could people’s eating habits be improved?
Why do you think people are concerned about chemicals and other additives in their food?

Тема Sports, Exercise, Healthy Lifestyles

тема sports, exercise, healthy lifestyles

В юните 1B обсуждается тема Sports с упором на разнообразное жульничество и уловки, на которые идут спортсмены ради победы.

В IELTS тема спорта может получить такое развитие:

- активный образ жизни (healthy lifestyles)

- спортивные мероприятия и соревнования и их преимущества и недостатки (competitions)

- развитие соревновательного духа и нужно ли это (compete VS cooperate)

- спортивные звезды как ролевые модели для детей и подростков (famous sportspeople as role models)

- спорт на телевидении (sports on TV)

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say:
what you do
where you do it
who you do it with

and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

Discussion topics

Keeping fit and healthy

What do most people do to keep fit in your country?
How important is it for people to do some regular physical exercise?

Health and modern lifestyles

Why do some people think that modern lifestyles are not healthy?
Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?
Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people’s lifestyle healthy?
What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?

Или вот так:

Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college, work or
sports competition) that you took part in.

You should say:
what kind of competition it was and how you found out about it
what you had to do
what the prizes were

and explain why you chose to take part in this competition.

Discussion topics

Competitions in school

Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?
Do you think it is a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?
Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since
you were that age? Why?

Sporting competitions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intensive training for young sportspeople?
Some people think that competition leads to a better performance from sports stars. Others
think it just makes players feel insecure. What is your opinion?
Do you think that it is possible to become too competitive in sport? In what way?

Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.

You should say:
what kind of game or sport it is
who you play it with
where  you play it

and explain why you enjoy playing it

Discussion topics

Children’s games

How have games changed from the time when you were a child?
Do you think this has been a positive change? Why?
Why do you think children like playing games?

Games and competition

Do you think competitive games are good or bad for children? In what ways?
How can games sometimes help to unite people?
Why is competition often seen as important in today’s society?


Describe a sports match which you saw and which you found enjoyable.

You should say:
what the sport was
who was playing in this game
where you watched it

and explain why you enjoyed watching the match so much.

Discussion topics

Young people doing sports

What sports do most young people in your country enjoy doing?
What are the main benefits for young people of learning to play different sports?
Can you suggest some ways to encourage young people to play more sport?

Sports on TV

What kinds of sport do people in your country most often watch on TV? Why?
What do you think are the disadvantages of having a lot of coverage of sports on TV?
How do you think the broadcasting of sports on TV will change in the next 20 years?

International sports competitions

Why do you think international sports competitions (like the Football World Cup) are so popular?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to a country when it hosts a major international sports competition?
What should governments invest more in: helping their top sports people to win international competitions, or promoting sport for everyone? Why?

Тема Families, Family Members, Family Celebrations, Social Changes

тема family, social changes

Юнит 1C (тема Family) начинается с обсуждения того, как в будущем изменится модель семьи, а продолжается семейными отношениями, где в том числе обсуждается, как наличие братьев-сестер влияет на характер. По ссылке можно почитать, как этот юнит можно обыграть на уроках и как познакомить учеников с лингвистическим анализом текста.

В IELTS Speaking topics придется обсудить такие вопросы:

- какое будущее ждет традиционные модели семьи (family patterns)

- кто оказывает на нас большее влияние: семья или друзья (family VS friends)

- семейные посиделки и празднования (family celebrations), в чем их ценность

- чем похожи люди в одной семье и вопросы генетических исследований (family similarities; genetic research)

- роль бабушек и дедушек, меняющийся статус пожилых людей в обществе (senior citizens)


Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:
how this person is related to you
what this person looks like
what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person

Discussion topics

Family similarities

In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?
Do you think that daughters are always more similar to mothers than to male relatives? What about sons and fathers?
In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or by their friends? In what ways?

Genetic research

Where can people in your country get information about genetic research?
How do people in your country feel about genetic research?
Should this research be funded by governments or private companies? Why?

Или вот так:


Describe a party that you enjoyed.

You should say:
whose party it was and what it was celebrating
where the party was held and who went to it
what people did during the party

and explain what you enjoyed about this party.


Discussion topics

Family parties

What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is
this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?
Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you
think this is?

Дальше тема может получить такое развитие, не очень связанное с Family, но зато связанное с Parties/Celebrations:

National celebrations

What kinds of national celebration do you have in your country?
Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more: young people or old people? Why?
Why do you think some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government
money? Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?


Describe a family event you are looking forward to.

You should say:
what the event is
when and where it will be held
what you will do at this event

and explain why you are looking forward to this event.

Discussion topics

Family celebrations

What type of occasions are usually celebrated in your country?
How important is it for families to celebrate occasions together? Why?
Are family occasions as important today as they were for previous generations?

Recent social changes

How has the role of elderly people changed in recent times?
Who has more power and influence in the family today, young people or grandparents?
In the future, what kind of units or groups will people live in, do you think?
What are the advantages and disadvantages for grandparents of living in the same house as their children and grandchildren?
In what ways might the lives of elderly people be different in the future?

Тема Money, Shopping, Consumerism


тема money

тема shopping, consumerism

Юнит 2А о деньгах, финансах и глобальном торжестве потребительства (consumerism), если верить заглавной песне этого урока (Ka-ching), отлично рифмуется с другим юнитом - Shopping (6А).

В рамках этих двух тем можно обсудить такие IELTS Speaking topics:

- общество потребления: в чем это выражается, хорошо ли это или плохо (consumerism)

- материальные ценности и статус (possessions and status)

- шопоголизм и защита прав потребителя (consumer rights)

- современное изобилие товаров и услуг, и как оно было раньше (range of products and services available)

- как интернет-шоппинг меняет модели потребления (shopping patterns)

Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:
where you got it from
how long you have had it
what you use it for

and explain why it is so important to you.

Discussion topics

How values can change

What kind of possessions show status in your country?
Do you think it was different for your grandparents?

The consumer society

Modern society is often called 'materialistic' . Why do you think this is?
Do you think consumerism is a positive or a negative development?

The consumer market

What is the role of advertising?
How do you think the Internet will affect buying patterns in the future?

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:
where the market is
what the market sells
how big the market is

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

Discussion topics

Shopping at markets

Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or
clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?
Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? Which
ones? Why do you think this is?
Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people?
Why is that?

Shopping in general

What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?
How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?
Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general
shopping habits? Why is this?


Describe something you bought that you were not happy with.

You should say:
what you bought
why you were not happy with it
what you did with it

and explain how felt about the situation.

Discussion topics

Kinds of products people buy in your country

Are there more goods available in shops now than in the past? Why (not)?
Do people generally prefer to buy products from their own or from other countries?
What kinds of products are most affected by fashions from other countries?

Protecting consumers

What kind of techniques do advertisers use to persuade people to buy more?
Who should be responsible for the quality of products: producers, shops or customers?
How could governments protect consumers’ rights?

Describe a useful website you have visited.

You should say:
what the website was
how you found the address for this website
what the website contained

and explain why it was useful for you

Казалось бы, при чем тут Money и Shopping, но в третьей части нас незаметно подведут к теме Интернет покупок:

Discussion topics

The internet and shopping

Why do you think some people use the Internet for shopping? Why doesn’t everyone use it in this way?
What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell online?
Do you think shopping on the internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why?

Тема Change, Routines, Choices 

тема changes, routines, choices

тема success

Тема Change/Changing Your Life отлично сочетается с юнитом 3C про Success, в которой также обсуждается taking up new activities.

Как можно развить эти темы в IELTS Speaking topics:

- глобальные перемены в жизни и принятие важных решений (important choices and decisions)

- ежедневный выбор (everyday choices)

- идеи, меняющие привычный ход вещей или даже историю (ideas and changes)

- каждодневная рутина (routines).

- новый опыт, интересы, хобии (trying/learning new things)

Например, такая тема IELTS Speaking:

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life

You should say:
when you had to make this choice
what you had to choose between
whether you made a good choice

and explain how you felt when you were making this choice

Discussion topics

Important choices

What are the typical choices people make at different stages of their lives?
Should important choices be made by parents rather than by young adults?
Why do some people like to discuss choices with other people?

Choices in everyday life

What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life?
Why do some people choose to do the same things every day? Are there any disadvantages in this?
Do you think that people today have more choices to make than in the past?

Describe something you did that was new or exciting.

You should say:
what you did
where and when you did this
who you shared the activity with

and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

Discussion topics

Doing new things

Why do you think some people like doing new things?
What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?
Do you think it's best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?

Learning new things

What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important
are these things?
Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their
learning style different?
Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was
in the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?

По этой теме из учебника New English FIle Intermediate есть дополнительные идеи, как органично включить тренировку навыков письма в формате IELTS в урок о переменах. Пример эссе на тему Change c упражнениями на связность текста и словообразование.

Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college.

You should say:
when and where you had your idea
what your idea was
who you told about your idea

and explain why you thought your idea would make an improvement.

Discussion topics

Ideas and education

Some people think that education should be about memorising the important ideas of the
past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why?
How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas?

Ideas in the workplace

Should employers encourage their workers to have new ideas about improving the company?
Do you think people sometimes dislike ideas just because they are new? Why?
What is more difficult: having new ideas or putting them into practice? Which is more
important for a successful company?

Еще в рамках этой темы можно посмотреть на рутину и привычный ход жизни:


Describe a typical day at school, work o college

You should say:
what you do
when you do it
how long you’ve had this routine

and explain what you would like to change in your work or study routine.

Discussion topics

How people feel about routines.

Do young people and old people have different attitudes to routines where you live?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a daily routine?

Choice of routines

What factors influence most people’s daily routines?
Do you think people get enough choice in their daily routines? Why (not)?

Changes in routines

How are work or study schedules today different from those in the past? Why?
Is this a positive or negative development? Why?
How do you think people’s routines and schedules will change in the future?

Тема Transport, Traffic, Transport Problems

тема transport

Эту тему можно интерпретировать по-разному: можно сделать упор на транспорт и транспортные проблемы современности (горячая темка!), а можно обсудить путешествия и туризм. 

Но так как туризм и путешествия лучше рифмуются с разницей культур, культурными стереотипами и подобными вещами, а на эту тему как раз есть отдельный юнит, здесь лучше заняться транспортом. Такие IELTS Speaking topics:

- транспортные проблемы больших городов и способы их решения (transport problems and ways to solve them)

- необходимость ежедневных перемещений (commuting to work/school)

- общественный транспорт (public transport) - причины непопулярности, способы улучшения

- личные автомобили (private cars) - ограничение количества как способ решить транспортные проблемы

О том, как развить тему Transport из учебника с помощью дополнительных заданий на collocations и предлоги, можно прочитать здесь.

А еще можно дополнить практику письма по этой теме (в конце юнита 2C) тренировкой навыков письма с упором на структурирование текста, средства связности текста и словообразование.

Describe a transport problem in your town or city.

You should say:
what the problem is
what the causes are
how it affects you

and explain how you think it might be solved.

Discussion topics

Do you think everyone has the right to have their own private transport?
What do you think the effects would be if everybody had their own car?
What measures, if any, should the government take to restrict the use of private cars?
What kind of transport systems do you think might be developed in the future?

Describe your journey to school or work.

You should say:
what forms of transport are involved
how long it takes
whether it is enjoyable or not

and explain how you would make your journey more pleasant if you could.

Discussion topics

Do you think getting to work is easier or more difficult than it used to be?
How have methods of transport changed?
Are there any problems that have been created by new transport systems?
How can these problems be solved?

Продолжение следует...

Все темы IELTS Speaking topics можно скачать бесплатно и пользоваться в свое удовольствие при самостоятельной подготовке или со своими учениками, которым предстоит сдача экзамена.


Подробнее о том, как улучшить свой балл за IELTS всего за одну неделю.

Автор: Дарья Масловская


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