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Present Simple: упражнения

present simple упражнения

А мы продолжаем Present Simple вечеринку!)) Прокачиваем свой английский, Present Simple, делаем упражнения и получаем удовольствие!

Если вдруг что-то подзабыли, рекомендую перед тем, как делать упражнения, заглянуть сюда:

Ну а если готовы освежить свой английский, то давайте делать Present Simple упражнения.

Упражнение 1

В этом упражнении нужно решить, нужно ли добавлять к глаголу в скобках –s или нет, и вписать правильную форму глагола.

1. The gallery opens (open) at 8.

2. Your girlfriend seems (seem) nice.

3. Why do they argue (argue) all the time?

4. Me and my mum often go (go) shopping together.

5. Where does he live (live)?

6. She usually has (have) breakfast at home.

7. My colleague speaks (speak) five languages fluently.

8. Do your parents help (help) you financially?

9. Lady Gaga wears (wear) weird clothes.

10. What time does the concert start (start)?

11. Madonna does (do) yoga.

12. My cat sleeps (sleep) all the time.

13. When does he do (do) exercise?

14. Jack is crazy about TV series, he watches (watch) them non-stop.

15. My boyfriend and I travel (travel) a lot.


Упражнение 2

Цель этого упражнения на Present Simple – разобраться в хитросплетениях am / is / are / do / does.

Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.

1. ____ you tired?am;is;are;do;does3 2. What time ____ you finish work?am;is;are;do;does4 3. Why ____ you angry?am;is;are;do;does3 4. Where ____ Jane live?am;is;are;do;does5 5. ____ you and your dad get on well?am;is;are;do;does4 6. What ____ your favorite color?am;is;are;do;does2 7. I ____ sorry I ____ late.am;is;are;do;does1am;is;are;do;does1 8. Where ____ my keys?am;is;are;do;does3 9. ____ it rain a lot here?am;is;are;do;does5 10. What ____ you and your best friend have in common?am;is;are;do;does4

Упражнение 3

Цель этого упражнения на Present Simple – потренировать вопросы и вопросительные слова. Напишите вопрос к выделенной фразе.


I wake up at 7am.

What time do you wake up?

1. Ellen lives in that house. Where does Ellen live? 2. The match finishes at 9pm. What time does the match finish? 3. We go to the cinema at weekends. When do you go to the cinema? 4. I phone my mum once a week. How often do you phone your mum? 5. Pam and Nick have 3 children. How many children do Pam and Nick have? 6. They listen to pop music. What kind of music do they listen to? 7. My boss goes on holiday four times a year. How often does your boss go on holiday? 8. I don’t like chocolate because it’s too sweet for me. Why don’t you like chocolate? 9. Nancy plays the guitar very well. How well does Nancy play the guitar? 10. We normally go to bed at midnight. What time do you normally go to bed? 11. It takes me 30 minutes to get to work. How long does it take you to get to work? 12. My dad always drinks coffee in the morning. How often does your dad drink coffee in the morning? 13. Before I start work, I check my email. What do you do before you start work? 14. My surname is Beaver. B-E-A-V-E-R. How do you spell your surname? 15. I drink 2 liters of water a day. How much water do you drink a day?

Упражнение 4

А в этом упражнении давайте потренируем утверждения и отрицания в Present Simple.

Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных.

1. I ____ coffee in the morning but I _____ coffee in the evening.am drink;drink;drinks;drinke2drink not;am not drink;don’t drink;doesn’t drink32. Mark _____ at 7am during the week but he ____ at 7 at the weekend.get up; get ups;is get up;gets up4don’t get up;don’t gets up;doesn’t get up;isn’t get up33. My parents ____ a dog but they ____ a cat.has;haves;have;are have3doesn’t has;doesn’t have;don’t have;haven’t34. Sarah ____ to the cinema a lot but she _____ to the theater.go;gos;goes;is go3not goes;don’t go;doesn’t goes;doesn’t go45. My boyfriend ____ sports programs on TV but he ____ TV series.is watch;watches;watchs;watch2isn’t watch;not watches;don’t watch;doesn’t watch46. Baby John ____ a lot but he ____ all the time.cry;crys;cries;is cry3doesnt cry;doesn’t cries;don’t cry;doesn’t cry47. Ms.Mills _____ children but she ____ teenagers.teach;teachs;is a teacher;teaches4don’t teach;doesn’t teaches;doesn’t teach;isn’t a teacher38. I ____ French but I ____ German.speak;speaks;am speak;speek1am not speak;not speak;don’t speak;don’t speek39. My friend ____ a lot but she ____ every weekend.party;a party;parties;partys3doesn’t party;doesn’t partys;doesn’t parties;isn’t party110. Bill Gates ____ in expensive hotels but he ____ in hostels.stay;stays;staies;is stay2stayn’t;not stay;don’t stays;doesn’t stay4

Упражнение 5

Теперь потренируемся понимать английский на слух.

Послушайте короткий рассказ и заполните предложения. Не забудьте, что везде нужно будет добавить –s к глаголам.


He gets up at five fifteen every morning and goes running. Then, after he has a shower and a quick breakfast, he takes the subway to work. He usually does some work on the subway. He gets to work at seven in the morning, and he usually works until eight at night. After he gets home, he has dinner. Then he reads the newspaper before bed. He usually goes to bed about eleven o'clock.


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Автор: Дарья Масловская


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