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Indirect questions: примеры из фильмов

Если с правилами indirect questions разобрались, давайте смотреть примеры косвенных вопросов из фильмов на английском.

Пример 1

We are in the hospital, we are going to the doctor’s office.

Can you tell me what this is called?

You use it to get food from inside.

Yes, but what’s it called? Is it a spatula?


Is it a can opener?


Пример indirect questionsЕсли бы это был прямой вопрос
Can you tell me what this is called?  
What is this called?

Видите, да, как меняется порядок слов, стоит только из прямого вопроса сделать непрямой?

Пример 2

Do you know what Walt’s first words were, Mr.Dawson?

I’m sorry, what?

His first words. Do you know what they were?

No, I wasn’t there.

Do you know what his favorite food is? Do you…


This is unnecessary.

Well, for someone who wants to retain his paternal rights so badly, you don’t seem to know much about your son, Mr.Dawson.

I’m his father.

Примеры косвенных вопросов
Если бы это были прямые вопросы
Do you know what Walt’s first words were?  
What were Walt’s first words?
Do you know what his favorite food is?What is his favorite food?

Пример 3

Jack, I’m gonna say this as simply as I can.

What’s his name?

Jack, stop.

I’m not gonna stop. I’m gonna keep asking you that until you tell me.

I don’t ask you…

Just tell me what his name is. I wanna know who he is.

Примеры косвенных вопросов  Если бы это были прямые вопросы
Just tell me what his name is.  
What is his name?
 I wanna know who he is.Who is he?

Пример 4

Miss Littleton, I’m officer Barnes. Sorry to bother you but I need to ask you a few questions. Can I ask you how the accident happened?

A truck forced us off the road.

Who was driving?


Пример indirect questionsЕсли бы это был прямой вопрос
Can I ask you how the accident happened?  
How did the accident happen?

Пример 5

Excuse me, can you tell me where the teachers’ lounge is?

Yeah, it’s over there.

Thank you.

Пример indirect questionsЕсли бы это был прямой вопрос
Can you tell me where the teachers’ lounge is? 
Where is the teachers’ lounge?

А теперь можно поделать упражнения на indirect questions (косвенные вопросы).

Автор: Дарья Масловская


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