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Тест на Present Simple

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тест на present simple

Предлагаю сделать тест на Present Simple и проверить свои знания.

Тест состоит из трех заданий, в которых нужно либо выбрать правильный ответ из предложенных, либо вписать ответ самостоятельно.

Перед тем, как делать тест на Present Simple, можно:

А если готовы приступить, то давайте делать тест на Present Simple.

Тест на Present Simple

Задание 1 - Разница между be и do

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. ____ you married?


2. What time ____ you start work?


3. Sorry I ____ late.


4. Why ____ Colin always show up late?


5. Where ____ Jack from?


6. Where ____ Megan come from?


7. ____ your parents retired?


8. Where ____ Kevin live?


9. How old ____ that house?


10. ____ you and your sister get on well?


11. What class ____ Mark in?


12. ____ I right?


13. ____ you excited about the vacation?


14. ____ we need a visa to go to Hungary?


15. Where ____ Tom and Hannah from?


16. How old ____ your mother?


17. ____ it rain a lot here?


18. What color ____ your new car?


19. ____ it have a stereo system?


20. How long ____ your lunch break?


21. How much ____ this T-shirt?


22. How much ____ it cost?


23. Why ____ this bag so expensive?


24. Why ____ these bags so expensive?


Задание 2 - Вопросы

Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам / фразам.

Если в утверждении использована короткая форма, например:

  • My name's Mary

в вопросе тоже используйте короткую форму

  • What's your name?

В остальных случаях - полная форма:

  • I am from Scotland - Where are you from?

Если в утверждении есть I, my, we, our, например:

  • I'm from the US. My name's John.

в вопросе мы их соответственно меняем на you / your:

  • Where are you from? What's your name?

- потому что вряд ли мы бы стали самих себя спрашивать:

  • Where am I from? What's my name?

1. They are on the shelf. Where are they? 2. We normally go to the gym in the morning. When do you normally go to the gym? 3. Daniel lives in Seattle. Where does Daniel live? 4. The film starts at 10pm. What time does the film start? 5. I Skype my parents once a week. How often do you Skype your parents? 6. His email address is john.malkovich@bestmail.com What is his email address? 7. My daughters read fashion magazines. What kind of magazines do your daughters read? 8. My colleague is always late for work. How often is your colleague late for work? 9. I don’t drink coffee in the evening because I can’t sleep if I do. Why don’t you drink coffee in the evening? 10. Sometimes there are lots of tourists here, and sometimes there are none. It depends on the season. What does it depend on? 11. I know him very well. How well do you know him? 12. It takes me about 15 minutes to fix breakfast. How long does it take you to fix breakfast? 13. My name is Caitlyn. C-A-I-T-L-Y-N. How do you spell your name? 14. She earns $12,000 a year. How much does she earn a year? 15. Carry and Nigel have 2 children. How many children do Carry and Nigel have? 16. I am angry because you didn’t call me. Why are you angry? 17. He's afraid of insects and heights.What's he afraid of?18. Our monthly meetings usually last 2 hours. How long do your monthly meetings usually last? 19. This mountain is 2,000 meters high. How high is this mountain? 20. Yes, this bus goes to the city center. Does this bus go to the city center?

Задание 3 - Утверждения и отрицания

Выберите правильные ответы.

1. She ________ breakfast but she ________ lunch.

always haves;have always;always has;has always3doesn’t have normally;normally hasn’t;doesn’t has normally;doesn’t normally have4

2. I ________ him but he ________ me.

remember;remembers;am remember;don’t remember1don’t remembers;don’t remember;doesn’t remember;doesn’t remembers3

3. Karen ________ yoga but she ________ pilates.

do;dos;does;does do3doesn’t;doesn’t do;don’t does;not does2

4. ________ people’s names but I ________ their faces.

I often forget;I forget often;I am often forget;Often I forget1forget not;no forget;dont forget;don’t forget4

5. We ________ them but they ________ us.

are know;is know;know;knows3are not know;know not;doesn’t know;don’t know4

6. Megan ________ skating, but she ________ skiing.

enjoy;enjoys;enjoyes;is enjoy2isn’t enjoy;don’t enjoy;doesn’t enjoys;doesn’t enjoy4

7. He ________ late but it ________ very often.

is sometimes;sometimes is;sometimes;sometimes does1isn’t happen;happens;not happens;doesn’t happen4

8. It ________ a lot here, but it ________ every day.

rains;is rain;rain;goes rain1doesn’t rain;isn’t rain;not rain;doesn’t rains1

9. Justin ________ a car but he ________ it very often.

has;have;haves;is have1not drives;don’t drives;doesn’t drive;doesn’t drives3

10. Amelia ________ but she ________ a ring.

married;is married;are married;does married2doesn’t wear;doesn’t wears;isn’t wear;not wear1

11. Harry and Sally ________ very near but we ________ them very often.

lives;is live;are live;live4don’t see;doesn’t see;are not see;is not see1

12. -Where’s Frank? – I ________ I ________.

sorry;do sorry;am sorry;is sorry3dont know;am not know;don’t know;doesn’t know3

13. Although I ________ on travelling, I ________ very much.

keen;am not keen;do keen;am keen4am not travel;not travel;doesn’t travel;don’t travel4

Теперь жмите на кнопку Проверить и узнайте свой результат за тест на Present Simple.

Довольны? Или хотите попробовать сделать тест еще раз и улучшить результат? Тогда придется самостоятельно найти ошибки. Да, такой вот хитрый тест на Present Simple)) Зато и в голове останется больше!


Автор: Дарья Масловская


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