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TED talk: Finding the story inside the painting

В этом уроке мы смотрим презентацию TED – вы же в курсе, какой это потрясающий ресурс? – и прокачиваем столько полезных навыков, что ни в сказке сказать, ни пером описать!)) Что именно мы будем прокачивать в этом уроке по TED talk "Finding the story inside the painting":

- навыки понимания на слух

- логику

- умение интерпретировать текст

- умение перефразировать сложное простым и догадываться о смысле

...и это не весь список. Просто не хочу усыпить вас перечислением))

В конце концов, давайте просто приобщимся к прекрасному, ведь речь идет об искусстве, картинах и галереях. Выдержите столько прекрасного на один квадратный сантиметр?))

Тогда поехали!

TED Talk: Finding the story inside the painting


Main idea

Смотрим первую часть презентации, пытаемся понять, о чем вообще идет речь:

И парочка вопросов на понимание.

1. What is the main idea?The speaker thinks there are too many paintings in galleries;The speaker suggests that we change the way we look at paintings;The speaker loves going to galleries;The speaker hates going to galleries22. The speaker compares galleries to restaurants and department stores because…she hates going to these places, but she has to;she loves going to these places, but doesn’t go there often enough;they are part of everyday life, and we have no choice but to go there;they all offer a lot of choice but you have to be selective4


Теперь смотрим презентацию еще раз, уже более внимательно, обращая внимание на мысли и то, как они связаны друг с другом.

Впишите правильные ответы в пустые окошки в summary ниже. Все нужные слова прозвучали в презентации, изобретать ничего не нужно)) Зато иногда нужно будет изменить форму слова, чтобы она подходила грамматически.

Например, Трейси сказала:

  • We should change something

А мы поменяем change на changing, потому что в этом предложении нужна именно такая форма:

  • We should consider changing something.

Ну и обратите внимание, что в summary (кратком резюме) почти все перефразировано другими словами. Применительно к этой презентации – Трейси, например, говорит:

  • I’m gonna tell you about an affliction I suffer from. And I have a funny feeling that quite a few of you suffer from it as well.

А в summary эта же мысль перефразирована так:

  • The speaker talks about a condition that affects many visitors to galleries and museums.

[Умение использовать синонимы и перефразировать мысли полезно не только по жизни, но и на экзаменах, вроде IELTS]

Итак, впишите правильные ответы в summary презентации:

The speaker talks about a condition that affects many visitors to galleries and museums. It has been dubbed 1) gallery fatigue and is often accompanied by 2) guilt.

To avoid this, she claims, we should 3) give ourselves a break and adopt a 4) different approach. Whenever we go to an art gallery, there are two things we could do. First, instead of stopping in front of 5) every single painting, we should walk around the gallery 6) pinpointing the ones that make us 7) slow down for whatever reason. We could then try to 8) connect to those particular works of art by 9) telling stories about them.

The speaker believes people are hard 10) wired to tell stories so as to 11) make sense of the world. The same principle can and should be 12) applied to our looking at paintings.


Записали ответы? Проверили себя? Прекрасно! Возьмите с полки пирожок)))

Paraphrasing ideas

Если вы не Upper-intermediate или Advanced, наверняка вам тут встретились незнакомые слова и выражения. Поэтому давайте перефразируем все сложное более простым языком. Ответы на предыдущее задание постараюсь не выдавать)))

  • It has been dubbed ______ _____…
  • This is called _____ _____.

  • …and is often accompanied by _____.
  • They also feel _____.

  • To avoid this, she claims, we should _____ ourselves ___ _____ and adopt a _____ _____.
  • If we don’t want to feel this way, we should relax and start using a different strategy.

  • Whenever we go to an art gallery...
  • Every time we go to an art gallery...

  • Instead of stopping in front of _____ _____ painting…
  • Instead of stopping in front of every painting…

  • …we should walk aroud the gallery _______ the ones that make us _____ _____ for whatever reason.
  • …we should walk aroud the gallery choosing the ones that make us walk more slowly (the reason is not important).

  • We could then try to _____ _____ those particular works of art by _____ _____ about them.
  • Then, we could try to _____ _____ those paintings by _____ _____ about them.

  • The speaker believes people are hard ______ ____ tell stories so as to _____ _____ of the world.
  • The speaker believes people are programmed to tell stories in order to understand the world.

  • The same principle can and should be ______ ____ our looking at paintings.
  • We can and should use the same principle when we look at paintings.

Advanced vocabulary VS simple vocabulary

А теперь сравните summary, написанную сложным языком, и summary, написанную простым языком. 

Advanced vocabulary

Simple vocabulary
The speaker talks about a condition that affects many visitors to galleries and museums. It has been dubbed _____ _____ and is often accompanied by _____.
 When people go to art galleries, they usually feel tired after some time. This is called ______ _____. They also feel _____.
To avoid this, she claims, we should _____ ourselves ___ ______ and adopt a _____ _____. Whenever we go to an art gallery, there are two things we could do. First, instead of stopping in front of _____ _____ painting, we should walk around the gallery ______ the ones that make us _____ _____ for whatever reason. We could then try to _____ ____ those particular works of art by _____ _____ about them.
 If we don’t want to feel this way, we should relax and start using a different strategy. Every time we go to an art gallery, there are two things we could do. First, instead of stopping in front of every painting, we should walk around the gallery choosing the ones that make us walk more slowly (the reason is not important). Then, we could try to _____ ___ those paintings by _____ _____ about them. 

The speaker believes people are hard _____ ___ tell stories so as to _____ _____ of the world. The same principle can and should be _____ ___ our looking at paintings.

The speaker believes people are programmed to tell stories in order to understand the world. We can and should use the same principle when we look at paintings.

Круто?)) Это (помимо прочего) и отличает один уровень владения английским от другого.

TED Talk: Finding the story inside the painting


Ну а теперь посмотрите вторую часть презентации и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What made her stop in her tracks when she saw "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer?the colors he uses and the way light falls on the girl’s face;the girl’s happy face;the conflicted look on her face;the pearl earring12. What keeps her coming back to this painting year after year?the colors he uses and the way light falls on the girl’s face;the girl’s happy face;the conflicted look on her face;the pearl earring33. What made her stop in her tracks when she saw "Boy Building a House of Cards" by Chardin?the light;the cards;the similarity between this painting and Vermeer’s painting;the boy looks innocent and experienced at the same time44. What made her slow down in front of "Anonymous" by Anonymous?His smile, his sad eyes, his bright red cheeks, and a piece of clothing he’s wearing;His smile, his sad eyes, his bright red cheeks, and the way he’s looking at you;Nobody knows who the guy in the painting is;Nobody knows who painted this portrait1

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Еще один пост про презентации TED на уроках английского.

А вы испытываете gallery fatigue, когда ходите в музеи / галереи? Как справляетесь? Что думаете о новом, альтернативном подходе, предложенном Трейси?

Давайте обсудим!

Автор: Дарья Масловская


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