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Отрывок из фильма Up In The Air

отрывок из фильма up in the air

Сегодня смотрим отрывок из фильма на английском Up In The Air и...

- учимся понимать английскую речь на слух

- разбираем разговорные слова и выражения на английском, в том числе нецензурные

- делаем упражнения

Сегодняшний отрывок – о непростой ситуации и о том, как из нее вырулить. А также о виртуозе общения, способном уболтать убедить любого скептика.

Так как отрывок из фильма сегодня довольно длинный (почти 3 минуты), грамматики не будет. Зато будет много разговорной лексики и ругательства на английском))

Общее понимание

Как всегда, начнем с общего понимания происходящего. Посмотрите отрывок из фильма один раз, не вникая особо в детали и не обращая внимание на незнакомые слова.

The man…is getting fired;is getting promoted;is getting hired;is getting a pay rise1
The woman sounds…supportive;too academic, like she’s giving a lecture;aggressive and rude;indifferent, like she doesn’t care2
How would you describe the man’s overall reaction?He is negative about the situation;He is positive about the situation;He is negative at first, but then changes his attitude;He is positive at first, but then changes his attitude3
What will the man probably do?cry;go to court;start a fight or an argument;accept the situation4

Посмотрите отрывок еще раз. Какие темы затрагиваются в разговоре? Как развивается беседа?

Расположите темы по порядку. Хватайте мышкой нужную тему и перетаскивайте ее в правильное место.

  • Famous sportsmen
  • Giving up on his dreams
  • Negative effects of his career transition
  • New opportunities
  • Positive effect of trauma
  • His career path
  • His children’s admiration

Слова и выражения

Ну что, научить вас плохому?))

Тогда давайте послушаем интересные разговорные слова и выражения,  в том числе нецензурные))

Посмотрите отрывок еще разок и найдите нужные слова, которые подходят под определения. Например:


Perhaps you're underestimating the positive effect that your career transition can have on your children.
= Perhaps you don't realize that the positive effect can be powerful

The positive effect? l make about 90 grand a year now.
= thousand

…children under moderate trauma have a tendency to apply themselves academically as a method of coping
= managing, adapting to new situations, dealing with challenges


Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me?
= making me feel better

l'm not a 1) shrink, Bob. l'm a 2) wake-up call. You know why kids love 3) athletes?
1 = a psychologist
2 = something that makes you stop and think
3 =  sportsmen and sportswomen


l don't know. Because they screw lingerie models?
= have sex with smb

Your résumé says that you minored in French culinary arts.
= took a course that wasn’t your main subject

How much did they first pay you to giveuponyour dreams?
= stop following; refuse


Неплохо бы собрать все новые разговорные слова на английском в кучу. А также определения и примеры. Перевода пока не будет, и не надейтесь)) Таблица внушительная, поэтому прячу ее. И сразу предупреждаю, что она для самых упертых мотивированных учеников







think that smth is smaller/less important that it is

Don’t underestimate your competitors! They might be stronger than you think.


 think that smth is bigger/more important than it is

His influence is overestimated.

a grand

a thousand

This car is really expensive. It costs  50 grand.

cope (with)

deal successfully with smth difficult;


He couldn’t cope with the stresses and challenges of the job.

I got to the stage where I wasn’t coping any more.

to console

to make smb feel better, to comfort smb

Nothing could console him when his wife died.

consolation prize

a small prize given to smb who
hasn’t won a competition

He got a chocolate medal as a consolation prize.

a shrink

a psychologist, a psychiatrist

Too many problems, I need to see my shrink asap.

a wake-up call

an event that makes people realize
that there is a problem and they
need to do smth about it

These mass protests should be a wake-up call for the government.

an athlete

a sportsman or woman

Athletes are good role models for children.

screw smb

have sex with smb, fuck smb

Athletes screw underwear models))

Screw you!

screw up

screw with smb

Fuck you!

do something wrong/incorrectly

mock someone, mess with someone,
try to confuse

No comments)))

You really screwed up this project!

Are you serious or are you screwing with me?

Don't screw with me, or you’ll get in trouble!

to minor in

to major in

study smth at college but not as your main subject

study smth as your main subject at a university/college

Your résumé says that you minored in French culinary arts.

What did you major in at university?

give up on smth

give up on smb

lose faith, stop believing in smth

stop hoping or believing that smb will change or get better

How much did they first pay you to give up on your dreams?

His teachers have given up on him.

Отвлечемся на минутку. Как вы думаете, почему кандидат на увольнение так реагирует на высказывание:

Well, tests have shown that children under moderate trauma have a tendency to apply themselves academically as a method of coping.

Go fuck yourself.

Вообще, интуитивно его реакция понятна. Но все же – почему?

Все дело в несоответствии стиля общения самой ситуации. У человека тут карьера рушится, жизнь меняется. Он уже рисует себе мрачные картинки ближайшего будущего, и как увольнение отразится на его привычном быте.

А девушка высокопарным академическим языком вещает об исследованиях, тенденциях и механизмах адаптации. Как будто с кафедры лекцию читает.

Вот они, стили общения в действии. Оказывается, несоответствие стиля ситуации может вызвать проблемы в общении. Не надо в разговорном стиле говорить научным языком. Аккуратнее на поворотах!


Вернемся к новым выражениям. Поупражняемся?

Соотнесите слова слева и справа, чтобы получилось устойчивое выражение. Вооружайтесь мышками и перетаскивайте слова.

  • underestimate
  • overestimate
  • make
  • cope
  • consolation
  • a wake-up
  • screw
  • give up
  • major
  • in physics
  • call
  • with the problem
  • your abilities
  • prize
  • 90 grand a year
  • things up
  • your opponents
  • on your dreams

А теперь напишите подходящую по смыслу фразу в предложения:

1. Drunk people often overestimate their social skills.

2. This is a very important presentation, don’t screw it up.

3. The heart attack was a wake-up call that made him change his lifestyle.

4. Meditation is the best way to cope with stress.

5. Don’t underestimate your competitors! They might be stronger than you think.

6. She’s been on so many disastrous dates that she’s given up on dating altogether.

7. Although he majored in History at university, he now works as a salesman.

8. The winner got the cup and the runner-up got a chocolate medal as a consolation prize.


Ругательства на английском

Ну что, кто хотел ругательства на английском? Их есть у меня!)

...So, maybe we can move into a nice fucking one-bedroom apartment somewhere.

...Go fuck yourself. That's what my kids'll think.

...Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me?

...l don't know. Because they screw lingerie models?

Ну и сюда же Screw you! из таблички выше.

Пишем на слух

Ну а теперь самое время потренироваться понимать английскую речь самостоятельно. Запишите на слух один отрывок и заодно проверьте, насколько вы поняли остальное:

What do you suggest l tell them?

Perhaps you're underestimating the positive effect that your career transition can have on your children.

The positive effect? l make about 90/ninety grand a year now. Unemployment is what, 250/two_hundred_and_fifty bucks a week? ls that one of your positive effects? Well, we'll get to be cozier, because l'm not gonna/going_to be able to pay my mortgage on my house. So, maybe we can move into a nice fucking one-bedroom apartment somewhere. And l guess without benefits, l'll be able to hold my daughter as she, you know, suffers from her asthma that l won't be able to afford the medication for.

Well, tests have shown that children under moderate trauma have a tendency to apply themselves academically as a method of coping.

Go fuck yourself. That's what my kids'll think.


Your children's admiration is important to you?

Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Well, l doubt they ever admired you, Bob.

Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me?

l'm not a shrink, Bob. l'm a wake-up call. You know why kids love athletes?

l don't know. Because they screw lingerie models?

No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love athletes because they follow their dreams.

Well, l can't dunk.

No, but you can cook.

What are you talking about?

Your résumé says that you minored in French culinary arts. Most students, they work on the fryer at KFC, but you bussed tables at ll Picador to support yourself. And then you get out of college and you come and you work here. How much did they first pay you to give up on your dreams?

27 grand a year.

And when were you going to stop and come back and do what makes you happy?

Good question.

l see guys who work at the same company for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. You have an opportunity here, Bob. This is a rebirth. Now, if not for you, do it for your children.

Ну а теперь в качестве развлечения давайте посмотрим на разговорные слова на английском и найдем русские аналоги этих фраз. Не забудьте, что это разговорный стиль, местами - слэнг.

Русский эквивалент
нейтральный вариант  
nine thousand девять тысяч
разговорный вариант
nine grand ???
нейтральный вариант
a psychologist психолог
разговорный вариант
a shrink ???
нейтральный вариант You failed this project Ты провалил проект
разговорный вариант
You really screwed up this project! ???
нейтральный вариант Are you trying to confuse me? Пытаешься меня запутать?
разговорный вариант Are you screwing with me?  ???

Пишите свои идеи в комментариях – обсудим!

Другие отрывки из фильмов - здесь и здесь.

Автор: Дарья Масловская


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