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Describing processes - упражнения


Мы уже обсуждали, как описывать процессы в IELTS Writing Task 1, чтобы получить высокий балл. Как научиться разбираться в диаграммах и графиках, иллюстрирующих технологические процессы; как структурировать описание, какую использовать грамматику и так далее. И выяснили, что describing processes не такое уж сложное задание. Ну хорошо, сложное, но посильное))

Перед тем, как приступать к упражнениям, очень рекомендую освежить в памяти предыдущий материал.

Ну, а если вы готовы покорять вершины IELTS Writing Task 1, приступим)) Потренируемся описывать процессы - выполним упражнения на describing processes.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Describing processes


Упражнение 1

О чем график?

Как всегда, сначала разберемся, что иллюстрирует график. Какой процесс, где его начало и где конец.

Посмотрите на график и выберите подходящий ответ:

1. How is the coal carried to the power plant?by trucks;by a conveyor belt;by workers;by industrial cranes22. What is added to coal?oxygen;furnace;raw syngas;slag 13. What gas is produced when coal is burnt in the furnace?slag;raw syngas;purified gas;oxygen24. What is removed from the gas?raw syngas;purified gas;carbon dioxide, mercury and sulphur;slag35. What is the gas called following this process?purified syngas;oxygen;CO2;hot exhaust gas16. What does the gas do in the turbine?it makes the turbine rotate;it drives the turbine;it stops the turbine;it produces electricity27. What does the turbine do to the generator?it produces electricity;it sets the generator on fire;it powers the generator;it stops the generator38. Where do the hot exhaust gases come from?the gas turbine;the generator;the furnace;the heat recovery steam generator19. What happens to the gases?they are sent to the heat recovery steam generator;they are removed;they are purified;they are released into the atmosphere1

Проверили себя? Молодцы! Идем дальше.

Упражнение 2

Стадии процесса

Разберемся в последовательности этапов. Расположите эти процессы в хронологическом порядке (перетаскиваем фразы в нужное место):

  • the turbine powers the generator
  • coal is burned
  • oxygen is added
  • the turbine also produces exhaust gases
  • raw syngas is produced
  • coal is mined
  • exhaust gases are piped to the heat recovery steam generator
  • the steam powers the steam turbine
  • harmful substances are removed
  • coal is carried to the surface
  • purified gas drives the gas turbine
  • coal is carried to the power plant
  • the generator produces electricity
  • the steam generator converts heat into steam
  • the steam turbine also generates electricity

Упражнение 3


Мы помним из предыдущего урока, что процессы, состоящие из нескольких этапов, нужно как-то упорядочить. Для этого нужны вводные фразы (sequencers).

Выберите из трех вариантов правильный и впишите его:

(First / One / Before) First, the coal is mined in deep pits underground and (after / then / also) then delivered to the surface. (After / Furthermore / After that) After that, it is carried along a conveyor belt to a power plant, (where / which / when) where it is burned in a large furnace to (here / which / where) which oxygen is added. From this, raw syngas is produced. (The following day / At the next stage of the process / Now) At the next stage of the process, harmful substances like carbon dioxide, mercury and sulphur are removed.

(Following / Subsequent / Following that) Following that, the purified gas is used to drive a gas turbine. The turbine (in turn / also / by contrast) in turn powers a generator, producing electricity. The gas turbine (in turn / also / similarly) also produces hot exhaust gases. These are (after that / then / following that) then piped to a heat recovery steam generator, (which / where / when) which converts the heat into steam. The steam is (subsequent / subsequently / consequently) subsequently used to power a steam turbine, (when / which / where) which again is used to generate electricity.


Упражнение 4

Вступление и заключение

Теперь подумаем над качественным вступлением. Какое из этих четырех вступлений лучшее? Почему? Давайте обсудим в комментариях!

Choose the best introduction:

The diagram shows how clean energy is produced from coal.;The diagram illustrates the various stages in the on-site production of clean energy from coal.;The diagram shows that coal is carried to a power plant and burned in a large furnace.;The diagram illustrates how coal is used to produce clean energy.2

И наконец – выберем лучшее overview/заключение. Какое из этих четырех заключений лучшее? Почему?

Choose the best conclusion:

Overall, because harmful products are removed, and the coal is not transported to another site to produce electricity, the energy generated is considered clean.;Overall, it is clear from the diagram that the exploration and development of clean energy should be a global priority.;To summarize, I personally think that clean energy is very important. We can no longer rely on traditional sources of energy, such as oil and gas.;To summarize, it is clear from the graph that the production of clean energy is a complex process.1

А если вы сделали все упражнения на describing processes, теперь можно прочитать целиком пример описания процесса в IELTS Writing Task 1. Жмите на кнопку))

The diagram shows the various stages in the on-site production of clean energy from coal.

First, the coal is mined in deep pits underground and then delivered to the surface. After that, it is carried along a conveyor belt to a power plant, where it is burned in a large furnace to which oxygen is added. From this, raw syngas is produced. At the next stage of the process, harmful substances like carbon dioxide, mercury and sulphur are removed.

Following that, the purified gas is used to drive a gas turbine. The turbine in turn powers a generator, producing electricity. The gas turbine also produces hot exhaust gases. These are then piped to a heat recovery steam generator, which converts the heat into steam. The steam is subsequently used to power a steam turbine, which again is used to generate electricity.

Overall, because harmful products are removed, and the coal is not transported to another site to produce electricity, the energy generated is considered clean. (165)

А как вы думаете, почему в упражнении 4 из четырех возможных вариантов вступления и заключения подходит только один? Что не так с остальными вариантами?

Как вам упражнения - полезны?

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Автор: Дарья Масловская


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